Histograms to View Oodles of Doodles from Google

I was honored to be asked to talk at Uber’s Visualization Nights in Seattle, August 31st, 2017. Here’s the Meetup Link.

In May 2018, I also was fortunate to present a version of this talk at the Mini-Conference on Data Visualization and AI currated by Lynn Cherny in Lyon, France.

As you can guess by the amazingly clever title, it was a very serious topic. I used my recent How Long Does it Take to (Quick) Draw a Dog? visualization to talk about histograms and other fun aggregate views of data.


I used keynote to make the slides, and included a few animations / videos. Unfortunately, these don’t transfer well to the internet. But here’s a speaker deck to give you most of the content of the talk.

Here is a list of references I used during the talk. Thanks to all the prior work and tools listed!

Quick Draw Game

Quick Draw Data

Deborah Schmidt: Letter Collages

Forma Fluens

Quartz: How do you draw a circle?

Yannick Assogba: PCA Quick Draw Exploration

Histogram Examples

Flowing Data: How Histograms Work

Flowing Data: How to Read Histograms

FiveThirtyEight: Bob Ross Bar Chart

NYT Upshot: Chipotle Calories

Karl Pearson

NYT Upshot: Runners Time

The Pudding: Song Lyric Repetitiveness

NYT: Summers Getting Hotter


Via Velox

LA Times: Disneyland Wait Times

The Pudding: Free Willy by the Numbers

Amelia McNamara: What’s so Hard About Histograms

Dark Horse Analytics: Visualizing Distributions

James Cheshire: Population Joyplot


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